

You wake up in a foreign bedroom. It's time to find out what happened. Open the door and walk out to the second floor. From the floor go to the bathroom at the left.


Investigate the mirror. "Hm... what we have here?" Take the toothbrush and leave the mirror again. Leave bath and go downstairs.

1st Floor

At the first floor take the umbrella and the key. Leave the house by opening the northern door.

House entrance

Outside you will find Dan the farmer doing some gardening. Leave Dan doing his work and go to the barn at the right. Go behind the barn, pass the barn and go to the backyard. Pass the tractor and enter the corn fields.


Here you'll find a cistern. Investigate the cistern to realize you'll need a ladder if you want to climb up. Then return to the backyard. Go back to the house's entrance and leave the farm left to the house. When you arrived at the bridge. Go left to the workers.

Construction site

Inside the truck you'll find some tools. Take the crower and leave the construction site. Then go north to the cliffs.


You'll arrive at an old mine but it's entrance is closed. Use the crower to open the mine and go inside. Oh, look. There is an old, broken ladder... If you find a workbench and some utilities you can fix it easily. So, take it. Leave the mine again and go back to the farm.

House entrance

Pick the old ladder from the inventory and show it to Dan. Dan stops working and tells you some details about the farm, the barn and some keys he lost. He gives you one of the keys needed to enter the barn. After that enter the house again. Go upstairs to the second floor again.

2nd floor

Select umbrella from the inventory. Open the attic with the umbrella and pull down a ladder. Climb up to the attic.


On the left investigate the bird's nest to find a green key. Grab wooden chair to use it's legs to repair the broken ladder. Now, go down to the first floor again and leave the house. Go to the barn at the right.

Barn entrance

In front of the barn entrance, pick our yellow key and use it with the yellow lock. Then pick the gray key and finally open the barn using it with the gray lock. Enter the barn after it opens.


Inside the barn take the oil can and go to the right to investigate the darkness. You'll realize that's too dark to see something and you consider you need light. Leave the barn to organize some light. Enter the house again.

1st floor

Turn off current by using the switch just at the bottom of the stairs. Then go upstairs to the attic.


Go to right side and take the cable and the bulb. The cable is long enough to reach the barn, but unfortunately the bulb gets broken when it hits the ground. Damnit. Now you need a new bulb. Leave the attic and go down to the first floor.

1st floor

Turn on the current by using the switch near the stairs.

Barn entrance

Then leave the house and go to the barn's entrance. Grab the cable and throw it inside the barn. Return to the first floor inside the house.

1st floor

At the floor go right to the kitchen. From the kitchen go to the larder on the right.


Inside the dark larder don't turn on the light. Instead just take the bulb and leave the house. Again go into the barn.


Pick the bulb and mount it into the cable. Just the bulb is mounted the current illuminates the barn. Ahh... there is a secret cellar door on the ground. Lets open it! Pick the green key and use it on the cellar door lock. When it's unlocked open the cellar door and go down.


Wow, what's this? It seems someone is living here. Don't bother with details and close the fridge door. Alien Fred jumps out from behind the fridge and begins a rude dialog. Happily Dan enters the cellar too so the situation doesn't escalate. After you got your new mission, leave the cellar.


Don't leave the barn too early. Repair the ladder first. To do that take the hammer, the pilers and the saw from the bench vice. Pick the chair from your inventory and mount it into the bench vice. Using the saw, cut off the 4 legs. Replace the chair by the old ladder. Then pick the chair legs and mount then into the ladder. Take the repaired ladder from the work bench and leave the barn. Go to the tractor in the backyard.


Select the oil can from the inventory and place it underneath the tractor's motor. Use the motor to release some oil into the oil can. When finished go right to the cistern.


Take the ladder from the inventory and place it near to the cistern. Climb up the ladder up to the cistern's top. The cistern seems to be solid and well built, but one of the middle planks is loose. Take your hammer and unmount the slightly different colored plank. You opened a hidden entrance, so enter! The inner of the cistern is very large relative to it's outer. Check out hole in cistern. You will have a good overview about the cornfields. By your examination you'll find the hidden UFO deep inside the cornfields. So, let's check out that UFO. Leave the cistern and climb down the ladder. Arrived at the ground go to the far right into the cornfields. Here you'll meet grandma peeling corn. Let her working and go right to the next scene.

Cornfield UFO

Yeah! Here it is! You found the UFO. Great! But at this moment there is nothing to do, so go right another time to get to the crossroad. Go north to the woods. Ah, here you are. This is your rocket launch place. Here the mysterious adventure started. Let's check out the crash site. Therefore go left passing the fence.

Crash site

Incredible. Here the UFO has crashed. Examine the gloomy crater and leave the site. Go to the crossroad where you were coming from and then go south. Yeah! You have found a short cut to the bridge. Go to the mine, at the bottom of the cliffs.


Enter the mine. Left to the bats there is an entrance to adit. Go that way. A the end of the tunnel there are crystals and a rusty mine cart. Select the toothbrush and the oil can. Then select the oiled toothbrush and smear some oil on the wheels of the rusty mine cart. Since the cart is well smeared with oil, you can move it easily. So push the wagon aside. Oh my! What happened here? Somebody has been murdered with a pickaxe. Take the pickaxe. Select the pickaxe from the inventory and hammer the giant crystals to dust. Some small crystal pieces remain on the ground. Pick them up and leave the mine. Go to the bridge. Here you've got the choice which way you take to go to the cistern. Either you go north passing the farm. Or you go east to the cornfields. It's your choice.


At the cistern, take the ladder and return to the crash site.

Crash site

Take the ladder from your inventory and place it into the crater. Then climb down into the crater.


Inside the crater, there is a mold of the UFO. In its center there is the missing artifact. Grab your pickaxe or the crower to uncover a little gray box. Pick it up and leave the crater to go to the barn. Arrived at the barn, go inside and down into the cellar.


Give the alien artifact and the crystals to Fred. He repairs the gray box, which turns out to be an alien remote control. Once the remote control is charged with crystals energy, take it and leave the cellar. Go to the UFO hidden in the cornfield.

Cornfield UFO

The UFO has a hidden battery place left to the center. It's a slightly darker gray circle. Pick the remote control and use it on this battery slot. Take the empty battery from the lift and return to Fred.


Give the empty battery to Fred, who immediately he charges it using the remaining crystals. Taking the mid full battery leave the barn and go to the UFO.

Cornfield UFO

Since the battery lift of the space ship is open, you can pick the half full battery from the inventory and place it into the lift. Next, use remote control on the UFO's center, which is the portal. If activated, a blue teleport appears. Now you can beam into the UFO. As long the teleport is blue it can be used to enter or leave the UFO. Enter the space ship.

Inside the cornfield UFO

Inside the UFO there is a leveler on the right. Use it once. The teleport turns green, which means the teleport can be used move between two space ships. Use the alien remote on the teleport platform to activate beaming. Enter the portal and leave the cornfield UFO.

Inside the hangar UFO

You appear in another space ship which obviously is stored in a hanger. To leave the UFO use the right leveler once and use the remote control on the center platform. Enter the light and beam out.


Now it's time to get the full battery. Use the remote control on the UFO center, which is still the battery lift. But this time the battery is fully charged. Jackpot! Take the battery. Errr... because the UFO is not powered anymore, you can't return to Fred and Dan by using the teleport. The only option is to find another way back to the farm. So leave the hanger on the left. Hm, where to go without being caught by agents? Let's look inside some rooms and start with the open lab on the left. Oh damn, this was the wrong choice. Agents caught you and put you into an interrogation room.


Speak to the agent near to you.

Interrogation room

Obviously you sill need recover from the knockout. After waking up knock on the door and ask for visit the rest room.


On the way to the rest room, speak to the agent in front of the candy machine. Right now, you cannot help much, so go left and enter the changing room.

Changing room

Let's investigate the room to find something useful to get out of here. Close the door and rummage the trash bin. You find some useful dump. Next, take the stinky sock and leave the room on the right. Go back to the interrogation room.

Interrogation room

Pick the sock from the inventory and put it in front of the mouse hole. A mouse living inside grabs the sock and releases a coin. Take the coin and press it into the aluminum to receive a face coin. Next, pick the crown cap form the inventory. Use chair to flatten the crown cap to a coin. Now you got a pretty bunch of coins. Time to help the candy agent. Ask again to visit the rest room.


Ask the candy agent to use the candy machine first time. Take the coins and put one of them into the candy machine. Ask the candy agent to use candy machine a second time. Take the remaining coins and put another one into the candy machine. Finally ask the candy agent to use candy machine a last time. He bids for the last chocolate bar, because he needs it to stabilize his blood sugar. As kind as you are, you give away your last coin, which he immediately puts into the machine. Unfortunately the chocolate bar gets stuck. Use the machine's power cable to reboot and finally to get out the last chocolate bar. Follow the candy agent into the changing room.

Changing room

The agent is busy stitching this pants. Give him the chocolate bar with extra sugar. He lends you his yarn and his needle. Use the needle to open the second locker. Grab the hair dryer. Open the third locker and take the broom. Open the forth locker and take one role of toilet paper. Use the toilet paper from your inventory to clog the hair dryer. Go back to the interrogation room.

Interrogation room

Take the yellow chocolate bar and place is in front of the mouse hole. Oops. This will knockout the mouse. Use the yarn with the broom to build a hook. Place that broom with the needle in front of the mouse hole and pull out the sock by sticking the broom inside. Grab the sock from the inventory and safely unmount the hot light bulb. Plug the hair dryer into the lamp's cable. Because the hair dryer is clogged with paper it immediately catches fire, which let's the security agent open the door. While he tries to extinguish the fire, you close the door and lock him up in his own room. Weeha! You're free now. Let's find your previous items and disappear from this place. Enter the lift.


Use the buttons. Push the lowest button to get to the second basement. Leave the lift and go to the laboratory on the left.


Talk to lab assistant, who needs scissors. Turn around and grab them from the desk behind you. Give the scissors to the assistant. Next he needs a bin to discard the bowels, so leave the lab.


Use the lift to get to the middle basement. After you quit the lift, go left to the changing room.

Changing room

Close the door and examine the trash bin once another. This time the trash bin seems to be very interesting. Take it. Leave the changing room and get back to the laboratory.


Give the bin to the laboratory assistant. Finally he needs his camera to take some photos. It is in his truck, so leave the laboratory and use the lift.


Press the topmost button and leave the lift. Leave the base on the left and investigate the pick-up truck.

Pick-up truck

There is a sports bag. Open it and take the wanted camera. Go back to the laboratory.


Give the camera to the laboratory assistant, who immediately is busy shooting photos. Go to the microscope and pick up the alien remote control. Then, go to the computer and take the alien battery. Finally get your rocket back. Now leave the laboratory. Ooops. You got busted! Now run! Use the lift to escape the base.

Base entrance

Go to the glades on the right passing the satellite dish.


Walk down the path and climb down the rocky wall on the left.


You'll escape climbing down the cliff but unfortunately you'll fall down just in front of the mine. From here go straight forward to the UFO. Don't go to the farm, because everywhere are agents who are lurking for you. Instead use the crossroad way.

Cornfield UFO

At the UFO use your remote control with the battery lift and replace the medium charged battery by the fully charged one. Finished. Enjoy the ending sequence.

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